
Ida Black - The Tale of the Bucksport Witch

Old New England. Where aging homes shelter ghosts of centuries past. Where twisted woods and creaking trees hide creatures wicked. And where every cemetery has a tale to tell. Smalltown Pictures presents a silent film based on one such graveyard.

"Ida Black" delves into the local New England folklore surrounding the tomb of Bucksport town founder, Jonathan Buck. After Colonel Buck's demise in 1795, an eerie phenomena began to manifest at his grave site. Witnesses reported a mysterious leg print appearing on his monument, despite repeated efforts to remove it. Descendants of Buck even replaced the monument, but the print persisted. In this short, we dive into the local legend surrounding the tombstone, and the woman at the heart of it, a witch named Ida Black.


Tuonela | Boston


Night of the Copycats (Horror Short Film)